
In today’s consumer market, it is clearly better and not a waste of your sales reps’ time to provide the needed content to answer your consumers’ questions and guide them along the buyer’s journey. And when they are ready to buy, they would purchase from you because you gained their trust with the expertise and credibility you provided in your content.

SEO copywriting certainly, an easy tool to boost up your business. Click To Tweet

With proper implementation of SEO process can help you in achieving your target

SEO copywriting is all about crafting content so compelling that other people want to promote it by linking to it or sharing it, which increases your trust and authority and helps pages you want to rank well for certain keywords. Certainly, a better writing can enhance your brand strength.

Tow main functions of  SEO copywriting

  1. Engaging readers to build trust and authority.
  2. Using keywords to help search engines understand what the content is about.

To make this work for your business, SEO writing must contain quality content.


When we use Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine, what do we do? We type words into the search box to find an answer to our question. Some are short and some are long, but search engines can decipher the keywords to find authoritative content that answers our questions.

It takes time and investment for small businesses to compete with larger companies that have plenty of traffic and higher trust and authority from search engines for short keywords. e.g. What do you think would be a better keyword for Linnaeus University to target potential exchange students to learn Swedish there?

The short keyword phrase ‘Swedish language course’, where the university is competing with online courses, municipalities, community colleges, etc. for high rankings.

Or the long-tail keyword phrase ‘Swedish language course for international students’, where the university has less competition with only other universities.

We highly recommend that you focus on using specific long-tail keywords to gain trust and authority to differentiate yourself and attract better-qualified leads who are more interested in buying your product or service.



The rule of thumb to remember is to make sure your title provides a clear description and your keywords are contained in it. Keep your titles between 50 to 60 characters to make sure they display properly on your consumer’s preferred device.

Meta description

The meta description tag on a page does not affect SEO ranking. However, the keywords to show up in the search results that can benefit you.


We can assume that search engines are using top-notch algorithms to verify if the body of your text is relevant to the keywords used in the search. Provide meaningful content that your visitors are searching for and show them why you are the subject matter expert on this topic.

Keyword frequency

Keyword frequency is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a page. It is an SEO best practice to only use keywords when relevant and focus more on answering your consumer’s question.

Page links

Providing useful links to other relevant topics internally or externally that a visitor can find useful is just another reason why you are an awesome Good Samaritan.


Know your buyer

If you do not know who your real audience is, can you really create great content? If you want to gain quality authority in the rankings you need to not just assume who your audience may be. You need to be able to have buyer personas that explain your customers’ problems, role, and concerns to be able to create content that resonates with them.

On-page SEO

The practice of optimizing your web page content to rank higher in search engines is called on-page SEO. On-page SEO consists of Title, Domain name, Subtitles, Content, Internal links, Image ALT text, Page loading time, Mobile-friendly pages etc.

Off page SEO

Starting off, over 70% of your web page ranking can be contributed to activities that are performed outside the boundaries of your website, which are called off-page SEO.

Since search engines strive to provide the best results when a searcher utilizes their service, off-page SEO helps provide search engines with a better indication on how other websites and social users perceive your web pages or blogs. The major factors are:

  • Link building – by receiving backlinks to your web page, it is a vote of confidence that tells search engines that others find your web page relevant. The more backlinks you receive, the higher your page will rank.
  • Social media engagement – social shares are a sign of popularity amongst the general public which search engines are now using social engagement as one of its ranking parameters.
  • Online reputation management – having low-quality backlinks can affect your ranking and it is a part of your job to remove them.


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